SP+ was chosen second-place winner for the “Parking System Operation – Most Innovative and/or Effective” category for the Carolinas Parking Association Awards of Excellence. The award was given during the Carolinas Parking Association Annual Conference & Tradeshow held on September 23-25, 2015.
SP+ was selected for its innovative approach to the Freeman Park Website and Campsite Reservation System found on freeman.spplusparking.com which allows visitors planning to stay overnight at Freeman Park to easily purchase a camping permit online, and learn about site access and amenities.
“We are very excited to deliver the latest and greatest solutions in parking to Carolina Beach,” said Bob Kamper, Director of Municipal Services, “We look forward to our continued partnership and in adding future improvements to the website to give visitors a wonderful camping experience.”
* Pictured with the award issued by the Carolinas Parking Association is Lance Horney, On Street Supervisor; Rich Sloan, Maintenance Tech; Jason Valasek, Assistant Project Manager; Josh Bailey, Customer Service Representative; and Pete Morway, Project Manager.