Casey Jones Featured in BOMA Magazine for Green Parking

BOMA Magazine - Green Parking

Casey Jones, CAPP, Vice President, Institutional Services was recently featured in the BOMA Magazine article, “Driving Force: Green Practices Are Gaining Traction.” The article discussed a growing trend in the parking industry which incorporates green practices and technologies into facilities to reduce costs and attract tenants who are placing a greater focus on sustainability.

According to Mr. Jones, programs such as the LEEP Campaign and Green Garage Certification has raised awareness among property professionals on sustainable topics, and provides them with online tools and checklists to make the transition over to green operating practices. In addition to upgrading the garage’s lighting system, Mr. Jones also recommends adapting the use of newer, more-efficient ventilation systems that rely on carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide detection sensors to only run exhaust fans when necessary, and the use of solar and wind power installations, non-toxic surface coatings, storm water management systems, and recycling stations. Although some owners and managers are hesitant about investing in green technologies and practices, Mr. Jones believes that the options are worth looking into because they can result in cost savings for operating costs.

Click here to read the entire article and for the September 2015 Issue of BOMA Magazine.